Saturday, July 18, 2009

Grocery Challenge 1st week

This is the first week of the challenge. We already have a pretty good stockpile of stuff in the pantry and deep freezer thanks to my use of a combination of coupons and sale ads.

For a heads up I live in Florida. The grocery stores closest to me that I shop at are Publix and Walmart. The closest Winn-Dixie is over 15 min away so I won't go there unless I am visiting my mom. Down here in Florida our Publix does not double coupons so none of my shopping lists will mention doubling coupons at all. We do have an Aldi's but I don't really go in there at all.

A good thing budget-wise is that my husband hunts so every year we have the potential to stock pile lots of fresh un-tainted meat. This year he was raffled for deer and gator. He will also hunt duck and hog. (I am really trying to talk him into applying for the Turkey hunt. Wouldn't it be nice to have a fresh wild turkey for Thanksgiving dinner?) Unfortunately, the hunting season doesn't start until Fall so it won't help at all during the challenge. He does fish every week to every other week though so we at least get some fresh salt water and fresh water fish to eat.

I buy 4 papers a week and print any coupons that I will use from the internet. This saves me a substantial amount of money every week.

One tip that I have regarding internet coupons is to only print the ones that you are going to use within 30 days. A lot of them expire 30 days after you print them. Some of them have a print limit and don't last long. Those I will print just in case, but if it is something there are coupons throughout the month for I don't print unless I plan to use. (Saves ink and paper too) Be careful too, sometimes the internet coupons are better than the paper and sometimes they are the same as the paper.

I am going to post a list of my favorite coupon blogs that I follow. I have 2 small children so I don't have time to memorize every coupon to match up with the sales every week so I check multiple blogs to see the best coupon matchups with ad prices. The best part is they almost always provide the appropriate link to print any coupons that may be internet printables.

I will post my shopping trips later but for an overview this week we mainly used from our stockpile. I made one shopping trip (under $30) at Publix on Mon. We are at Chick-fil-a on Tuesday for free kids meal night. We ate at Arby's on Wednesday for their free item day. One small shopping trip to Walmart (under $20) and I bought 2 items today at Publix because we needed something to go with our steak tonight.

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